Men In Black Staffing
Event Staffing
Men In Black Staffing is an event staffing company that was started a few years ago by Scott J. Goddeau, a former colleague of a friend and colleague of mine, Ralph Eriksen.  Ralph and Scott had both worked for Carlyle on the Green in Bethpage, NY, and when Scott started MIB Staffing, he called upon Ralph for help with a logo.  Ralph and I collaborated on his logo and first business card, and when the time came to design a website for the company, Ralph had already moved down to Maryland, which left me to take over all design responsibilities.  We started by redesigning his business card, the first piece you see below.  Scott had wanted lots of pictures and a more sophisticated look and feel than many of his competitors, to really give him an edge.  Since black was largely the theme here, I thought why not offset that with one of the staples of many events, champagne?  So I introduced a golden champagne trim into the design, and came up with the layout you see below.  Soon after, I was commissioned to design a letterhead, and to come up with timesheet templates and other forms for his business.  The final piece in the project here is an image of a pdf pitchbook I put together using the website as a starting point.  A few other print collateral pieces are forthcoming.  You can view the website here at 
MIB Staffing

MIB Staffing

Graphic and Website Design and Development for Event Staffing firm Men In Black Staffing.
